Skyrim solitude house mod
Skyrim solitude house mod

Related: Elder Scrolls 6 Can Improve Skyrim's Purchaseable Homes

skyrim solitude house mod

That said, they all come with more or less the same standard areas and items, and can additionally be customized to include things like spare bedrooms or alchemy labs. There are homes available in most of the game's major cities, each of which comes with a unique style and individual benefits as well as drawbacks. Players can buy houses in Skyrim once they meet certain requirements, usually after they've completed specific quests and have saved up enough gold to afford them. In fact, it might just be easier to go house shopping through the use of mods rather than settle for one of the options available in vanilla Skyrim.

skyrim solitude house mod skyrim solitude house mod

There are quite a few factors to consider - the size of the Dragonborn's family, how much money is available to the player, which cities they favor, and so on. It can be difficult to find the perfect home in Skyrim, even considering how many options are provided in the game.

Skyrim solitude house mod