Bioshock infinite how to change gear
Bioshock infinite how to change gear

  • Go onto the right Skyline afterwards, and jump off when you come to a platform with some enemies on it.
  • This will earn you a random amount of money.
  • Possess the vending machine to your left.
  • To perform the exploit, do the following: Infinite Lockpicks and Cash: In “Return to the Hall of Heroes”, immediately after exiting the hall, there’s an exploitable glitch that allows you to gain access to both infinite money and lockpicks.

    bioshock infinite how to change gear

    Change “DefaultbHasInput1999Code=0” on line 79 to 1 and “bHasInput1999Code=False” on line 117 to True. The file can be found in your BioShock Game folder (by default, this is Documents/My Games/BioShock Infinite/XGame/Config). O PS3: Up up, down down, left right, left right, O, X. O 360: up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A. O PC: Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, cancel, confirm. Once you start a new game, 1999 Mode will be available. It features reduced player ammo, fewer respawn points, more damage from enemies, reduced player health, higher costs on respawns, no navigation arrow, and no ability to change the game’s difficulty while playing.

    bioshock infinite how to change gear

    The Konami Code and 1999 Mode: BioShock Infinite contains a secret difficulty level known as “1999 mode”, which considerably increases the challenge level of the game. To help you in your quest through BioShock Infinite, we've put together this cheats guide with additional info about easter eggs you might find in the game.

    Bioshock infinite how to change gear